Related projects
We have built a carefully curated collection of libraries that worth giving a look.
Because the scope of problems Material-UI solves is limited, we try to play nicely with other libraries. Feel free to submit a pull request to add more projects; we will accept them if they match our criteria.
Material-UI Specific Projects
- dx-react-chart-material-ui A chart for Material-UI that visualizes data using a variety of series types, including bar, line, area, scatter, pie, and more (custom license).
- dx-react-grid-material-ui A data grid for Material-UI with paging, sorting, filtering, grouping and editing features (custom license).
- material-ui-autosuggest A fuzzy-search component for React and Material-UI.
- material-ui-next-pickers A datepicker or timepicker in Material UI Next or can be imported as a clock or calendar component.
- material-ui-pickers Components that implement Material Design date and time pickers for Material-UI.
- material-ui-time-picker A TimePicker for Material-UI.
- mui-datatables Responsive data tables for Material-UI with filtering, sorting, search and more.
- mui-downshift Thin layer over paypal's downshift to use Material-UI visual components.
- notistack Highly customisable notification snackbars that can be stacked on top of each other
- react-material-ui-typescript A boilerplate for React using Typescript, Material UI and Redux, React Router.
- react-media-material-ui Easily use breakpoints from your Material-UI theme with react-media.
- Wertarbyte Wertarbyte are using Material-UI for many of their projects. This is a collection of complementary components they have built.
Complementary Projects
- create-mui-theme Online tool for creating Material-UI themes via Material Design Color Tool
- downshift Primitive to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components
- react-admin An admin framework combining material-ui with Redux, redux-form, redux-saga, and recompose
- react-autosuggest WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component.
- react-final-form Subscription-based form state management for React.
- react-most-wanted Starter kit using Material-UI, CRA, Redux, Firebase and all the "Most Wanted" features.
- react-number-format React component to format numbers in an input or as a text.
- react-popper React wrapper around PopperJS.
- react-swipeable-views A React component for swipeable views. Plays well with the
component. - react-text-mask Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript.
- redux-form Manage your form state in Redux.